My name is John. My mates call me Fat John. I am fourteen, and I have completed all the main missions on GTA3. Obviously, I have a Playstation 2 and I think the Final Fantasy series rocks! I like Father Ted, and I think Father Jack is what we should all aim to be like when we're old, decrepid and no-one cares about us anymore (not that they ever did...). To hear Father Jack screaming insults at you,click here!
I was born in 1987. I wasn't born, I was made from a puddle of gloop in an unknown laboratory and some oil freshly obtained from the Kuwait desert. This has led to random outbreaks of screaming 'weebleflupergloop' when I smell oil. Aaargh, not the rats! The rats! Aaaaaaaargh! Help me!
I need help. Medical help.
A Family Photo
An Individual Photo
Nah, not really. I was born on the 6th of June 1987, and I have two sisters. I also have two pet dogs, and I enjoy fiddling around with computers (obviously).All the HTML websites I have made are on Tripod , because in my opinion it is the best place to do it! In terms of music, I like The Offspring, Green Day, Foo Fighters , stuff like that.
INTERESTING NOTE: I was born at 6am, on the 6th of June(6th month). In theory, that makes me the antichrist. Hmmmm. Research continuing...